Thursday, September 27, 2007

Laser Treatment to Stop Smoking in Virginia - Your Ticket To Better Health

It's frustratingly difficult during the first few weeks of quitting smoking because this is when the most severe withdrawal symptoms kick in. Luckily, there are now several stop smoking aids that ease the withdrawal symptoms associated with getting rid of the habit. One of these is the laser treatment to stop smoking in Virginia.

The state of Virginia has been known as the cradle of the tobacco industry. Here, residents are easily exposed to the temptations of smoking. This is why it's about time that the laser treatment is finally making its way to this state to make the service accessible for would-be quitters.

Freedom Laser Therapy, Inc.: soon to offer solutions

Craig Nabat, the owner of this chain of clinics, learned about laser therapy for smoking in Canada and brought the technology to the U.S. It gives clients the benefits of low-level laser technology plus modern care and is poised to provide laser treatment to stop smoking in Virginia in the coming months.

The procedure is basically completed in one session and it is recommended that people undergo this treatment as soon as they extinguish their last cigarette. The proposed laser treatment to stop smoking in Virginia will be applied to various parts of the body which are known to be connected with nicotine addiction, such as the head, face, ears, and the hands.

As these points are stimulated, the secretion of endorphins is triggered and the withdrawal symptoms associated with smoking cessation are significantly reduced, making the effort to get rid of the habit a bit easier on the smoker.

Although this procedure is still in its planning stages for the state, people are excited about the prospect of availing of this procedure. They are confident it will greatly assist them in their fight against an unhealthy way of living.

The planned laser treatment to stop smoking in Virginia would cost approximately $300-$350, based on the cost that this type of treatment entails in different parts of the country. Indeed, it is still a bit pricey, but many people who have tried giving up smoking via different methods but failed are bent on trying it out.

This treatment will most likely not be covered by medical insurance, as FDA approval for this type of treatment is still in the works. Thus, if you are planning on availing of this service, you might as well start setting aside your funds for the treatment.

To make your treatment a positive and relaxing experience, Freedom Laser Therapy, Inc. even ensures that their staff works closely with the clients. This is important so that all the client's needs are met and that they are ready to face the challenges that come with quitting.

Their clients are also given "Freedom-branded" gifts which serve as reminders of their ever-important commitment. Although the actual session for a potential laser treatment to stop smoking in Virginia would last for only half an hour, they urge clients to devote at least an hour for this experience so that the rest of the time could be spent studying brochures, filling out paperwork, and reviewing the consent form.

You can also find more info on stop smoking patch and stop smoking aids. is a comprehensive resource to know smoking & how to get it off.

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Natural Remedy for Acid Reflux - 7 Simple Tips to Get Rid of Acid Reflux

Have you been looking for a natural remedy for acid reflux? Have you tried every pharmaceutical drug and gotten only mediocre and unacceptable results? After spending loads of money on these drugs do you still find yourself not feeling any better and youre too tired to do things with friends and family?

More than likely, youve made the big drug companies richer than they already were and you haven't gotten the results and the relief that you were looking for. You realize that youve got to put a stop to this vicious cycle and take matters into your own hands. You no longer trust the doctors or the drug companies. They no longer seem to be looking after your best interest.

The only thing left to do is to heal yourself. Is this possible? Sure it is. With no side affects and no addiction, you can find a natural remedy for acid reflux. The steps are so simple, you will be able to quickly make them a part of your everyday life.

Tip # - Treat the whole person

The most effective treatment for acid reflux is concentrating on treating the whole person. It has been shown in studies to be much more effective than attacking GERD by itself. To relieve and cure your suffering, you need to incorporate good living habits while taking medications.

Tip #2 Herbal remedies

Find a good Natural Health Food store near you. Experienced herbalists can educate you about natural herbs that will greatly help you in getting rid of your acid reflux.

Tip #3 - Avoid certain foods

Changing your dietary habits is the main habit that you must correct to receive relief from your acid reflux. Acid reflux disease involves abnormal stomach acid production. If you suffer from this disease, you will have to stay away from certain foods that intensify acid creation. You will need to stay away:

*Fatty and acidic foods

*soft drinks

Tip #4 - Stop smoking

Another habit that will need to be stopped is that of smoking. Smoking worsens acid reflux. Even if you currently do not have acid reflux, smoking makes you 70% more likely to get the disease. For those smokers who do suffer from acid reflux, your symptoms are doubled due to the effects of smoking. This means the pain that you experience is doubled also.

Tip #5 - Exercise

To reach optimal overall health, you also need to include exercise in your daily plan. Exercise improves the health of your entire body, strengthens the immune system, and gives you a boost of energy. By making your body stronger through exercise, you will increase your odds of curing your acid reflux

Tip #6 - Avoid lying down after a meal

After eating, you need to give your body time to digest the food. Try not to lie down immediately after eating and avoid eating any later than two hours before bedtime.

Tip #7 - Adopt a better sleeping position

At bedtime, make sure your head is elevated six to eight inches more than your body. The majority of acid reflux suffers who tried this experienced relief.

As simple as these tips are, when combined with herbal remedies, they are very effective in not only relieving your acid reflux symptoms, but in curing it all together. By incorporating these tips into your lifestyle, you will be well on your way to feeling better.

For more Acid Reflux remedies go to:

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